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rFocus Corporation currently makes a limited number of GIS (Geographic Information System) -related web services available to the public. Due to the costs involved with high-precision results, these free services are currently limited in their scope and accuracy. However, their main purpose is to showcase some of the technologies our company has been involved in and provide a simple resource for anyone for whom basic geolocation information will suffice.


1)IP Address Lookup: This web service attempts to correlate an IP address with a latitude/longitude coordinate. *Currently limited to the USA. Database is still limited in size.

2)Physical Address Geocoding: This service attempts to convert a physical address (e.g. 123 My Street, Anytown, MyState) to a latitude/longitude coordinate

3)Reverse Geocoding: This service attempts to use a latitude/longitude pair to find an existing physical address. *Currently limited to the USA.

4)Wikipedia Article Lookup: This web service attempts to locate a collection of Wikipedia articles that are geographically related to the passed latitude/longitude coordinate.

5)Weather Report Lookup: This service attempts to locate a weather report from a station near the passed latitude/longitude coordinate.

6)Courier Package Tracker: These services parse a tracking number and convert it into a series of geographic coordinates to track the package's progress.


The method for consuming these web services will depend on your development tool but in essence you will need to add a new web reference to your project and point it to a WSDL file. Depending on the service you desire, choose one of the following:

.NET Proxy Class

The generated proxy class will contain six principle methods, each corresponding to a pair of return types from the three aforementioned web services. Either a JSON string or a proprietary GeocodeResult object are available. The methods and their parameters are as follows:

  • GeocodeResult IPAddressLookup(string ipAddress)
  • string IPAddressLookupJson(string ipAddress)
  • GeocodeResult PhysicalAddressLookup(string address)
  • string PhysicalAddressLookupJson(string address)
  • GeocodeResult ReverseGeocode(double latitude, double longitude)
  • string ReverseGeocodeJson(double latitude, double longitude)

Java Proxy Class

The generated proxy class will contain ten principle methods, each corresponding to a pair of return types from the three aforementioned web services. Either a JSON string or a strongly-typed proprietary object are available. The methods and their parameters are as follows:

  • WikipediaResult getWikipediaArticles(double latitude, double longitude)
  • String getWikipediaArticlesJson(double latitude, double longitude)
  • WeatherResult getWeatherReport(double latitude, double longitude)
  • String getWeatherReportJson(double latitude, double longitude)
  • PackageTrackResult getFedExPackageTrackResult(String trackingNumber)
  • String getFedExPackageTrackResultJson(String trackingNumber)
  • PackageTrackResult getUpsPackageTrackResult(String trackingNumber)
  • String getUpsPackageTrackResultJson(String trackingNumber)
  • PackageTrackResult getUspsPackageTrackResult(String trackingNumber)
  • String getUspsPackageTrackResultJson(String trackingNumber)

The links in the right column show basic examples consuming these web services, combining the technologies of the Google Maps API, Microsoft's ASP.NET AJAX (.NET services), and the CXF library (Java services).






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